Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Perfect Pet

by Margie Palatini and Burce Whatley
Harper Collins Publishers 2003
30 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

Elizabeth REALLY wants a pet. Her parents decided she could have a plant instead. A nice little cactus she called Carolyn. But she still REALLY wanted a pet. So she tried everything. She would wake her parents up in the middle of the night, bother them in the shower, at breakfast, any time. Every animals she asked for, they said no. So she made friends with a bug which she feeds and takes care of. It grows to be quite large and her mother almost smashes little Doug. So Elizabeth saves him and tells her parents that he is exactly what they had described when telling her why she could not have any of the other pets she wanted. So they let her keep it and Doug becomes part of the family.

My Reaction:
This is one of my favorite picture book writers. She is so fun and always keeps the audience busy with interaction. The art is beautiful. My favorite page is where Elizabeth is sitting on her parents with a flash light in the middle of the night and everything is dark blue like the night and they the flash light is on their faces so they are flooded with color. Genius.

Every child that wanted a pet and couldn't have one.

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