Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lincoln: A Photobiography

by Russell Freedman Published by Clarion Books 1987 150 Pages Genre: NonFiction Summary: In this book we learn all kinds of things about Lincoln. We learn that he grew up in very humble beginnings. In his whole life he only received about 1 year of public schooling, the rest was all self taught. He was able to read that that is what really started off his political efforts. He was able to teach himself law so he could pass the bar and practice law. Lincoln and his wife were married against her parent's wishes and they spent a lot of time fighting, though they loved each other very much. At one point he was running for president and a young woman wrote him and told him he had better grow so facial hair because all the women were making fun of him and telling their husband's not to vote for him. So he grew a beard and it never left his face again. Lincoln was president and the Civil War began and many unexpected loses came to him in office. The first battle the towns people actually went out with picnics to watch and they saw their men slaughtered. Lincoln while in office actually studied war tactics worried he may have to lead his men into battle. Lincoln's life was cut short one night as he was out at the opera with his wife. Actor John Wilkes Booth killed him shooting him in the back of the head. My Reaction: I really liked this format. I also learned a lot of things I didn't know about Lincoln's life. I really enjoy history and this was very well done. Potential Problems: It's history so some of the pictures, murder, and politics. Recommendations: I think this book is wonderful for anyone above 5th grade.

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