Thursday, March 24, 2011


by David Wiesner

Clarion Books 1991
30 pages
Picture Book

This book is unlike many of the picture books that are circulated these days. There is not a single word in this story. All we get are pictures. The story begins in a small pond, full of frogs, a magical adventure beings. A group of frogs fly through the air into town. Throughout the night, told in beautiful illustrations, we see them drift in and out of homes, through laundry, and then eventually the magic wears off and they fall to the ground. Hopping back into the pond, they find boredom waiting for them. As the people of the town try to figure out where all the lilly pads, that were leftbehind, came from, we catch a glimps of a pig flying. The colors in this book are so fun. The theme seems to stay with blues as if they never left the pond.

My reaction:

I thought this book was interesting. It could be fun to analyze with a child, but other than that, it was only okay for me. I thought if they were going to play on the fact that these frogs were flying through the town, they could have had them do some really fun things. I did like the laundry scene but the rest was just kind of boring.

Potential Problems:

It might be boring for kids unless they are looking for specific things. Maybe if it was used in an art class or something where it could be used as an example.


I think students who get frustrated with reading would enjoy it, and maybe art students.

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