Saturday, February 12, 2011

Asbjornsen Fairy Tales

Found on
  • One's Own Children are always the Prettiest
  • Thumbikin
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Ashlad who made the princess say, "That's a Lie."

Summary: There was a hunter who went out for sport. As he was out one day, he ran into a snipe. She talked him out of killer her and asked that he not kill her children. He asked how he would know which ones were heres. She said that they were the most beautiful snipes and he would know them. So he went on and killed many snipes. When he came back he had a whole sting up. The Snipe yelled and asked why he had killed all of her babies. He said he had not, he picked out the ugliest ones. She said don't you know that to parent's, their children are always the best looking.

Reaction: These were vastly different than the tales I have read up to this point. I found that they were much cleaner and I hadn't heard of to many of them. I did know a couple variations of some but they were much more fun.

Potential Problems: none

Recommendations: These stories are much more kid friendly! I think they would be great to use in elementary school things. They would be fun to do as read alouds and acting out things. They are fantastic for teaching.

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