Monday, February 14, 2011

The Official M&M Brand History of Chocolate

by Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue
Illustrated by Karen E. Pellaton
Published by Charlesbridge 2001
Reading Level 1-2
30 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

Through out this book we learn from our favorite colored M&M's the history of how they came about. We begin with what chocolate comes from. The Cacao tree, where little pods are grown and then split open and dried. In the old days the used to just eat the beans as the were, crunched up. But as the world was able to advance a machine was created by a dutch man that would separate the bean and the cocoa butter. These two ingredients make most chocolate products. White chocolate actually only has cocoa butter in the recipe, there is no actual cocoa. The timeline of this book is laid out so it goes from 250 BC to today. How it has evolved from a bitter sludge to a sweet drink and solid snack. It was obvious that the point of the book was the M&M's themselves because all the colors in the book were earthy and muted while the M&M's that were brought up and those that bordered text where very bright and tend to draw the eye.

My Reaction:
I knew a lot of the things I read about but it was a very fun way to learn and the illustrations were a great reflection of the text. Showing past cultures and from dress to daily living. I thought it was well written and showed great research, through text and illustrations

Potential Problems:

I think this book would be great for any student who was interested in being an inventor, cook, or even historian. Even kids that just enjoy this M&M's may like to know where they come from. I know kids that love to know random facts just so they have things to share in family discussion and such. This would be a great book for kids that just want to learn.

Watch Out! Big Bro's Coming!

by Jez Alborough
Published by Candlewich Press 1998
Reading Level 2-1
14 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

As we open the book, we find color exploding on every page. Deep Reds and greens show the colors of the jungle. There is a lot of picture and little text. Mouse comes run up to frog yelling that big bro is coming and he is this big, holding out his arms. So he and the frog run together, running into all kinds of animals and each time the animals join them in running away. As the go through the book each animal says that big bro is bigger and bigger and they all jump into hiding places. As they wait the tremble. Big Bro comes running out of the jungle. He is a mouse! But a very big mouse! So all the animals laugh until the realize how tough he is. He takes his brother and they head off back into the jungle.

My Reaction:
This is a fun read-out-loud book. I really enjoyed how it was like telephone. Each animal made big bro seem bigger and bigger! It was quite fun to see the development.

Possible Problems:

I would recommend this for a read-aloud-book at home. It is good for participation while reading.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bella & Bean

by Rebecca Kai Dotlich and illustrations by Aileen Leijten
Published by Atheneum Books for YOung Readers/Simon &schuster Children's Publishing
Reading Level: 1-2
31 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

Bella and Bean are best friends(mice). Bella is a poet and she loves to write. So one day she is writing and Bean comes over and tries to get her to come play. Bella says she is busy writing, so Bean goes away. But all Bella can think of is Bean. So she writes poems about Bean. Bean comes back a couple times throughout the day but Bella continues to write poems. Which all turn out to be about Bean. So that night Bella call Bean to come over and they lay on the grass under the stars and write a poem about their friendship. The illustrations are beautiful. Though the mice are a little silly looking, it is so fun. The plants in just seem to come to life. They have beautiful soft colors that represent the text very well.

This was such a fun book. I picked it out because my nick-name has always been Belle and my little brother's is Bean. So i thought this related to our lives perfectly! I loved it, it was a sweet story about friendship.

Potential Problems:

I think this is a fantastic book for little girls. The pink colors are beautiful and girly. But the friendship between these two girls is a wonderful example.

The Chicken of the Family

by Mary Amato and illustrated by Delphine Durand
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons 2008
Reading Level 1-2 grade
32 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

Henrietta has two terrible sisters, the convince her that she is a chicken and she can't help but feel upset. So she travels down the road to the chicken farm just down from their house. So Henrietta follows around the chickens believing she is one of them. As she is playing with the chickens her sisters bike up to the farm. They had been looking for her all day and were upset because there mom and dad were sad because she ran away. But she wouldn't believe she was not a chicken. Well they get fed up and get ready to leave and the younger of the two sisters says she is scared that their parents will be mad if they don't come back with Henrietta. So her sister calls her a chicken. So she crawls in the pen with Henrietta and says maybe I am. The End.

This was such a fun book. I used to feel like the chicken in my families some times and this was a fun way to illustrate it! I will read this one to my kids.

Potential Problems:

I think any kid who is having a hard time with their siblings would enjoy this book. It makes it seem not so bad to be a chicken!

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

by J K Rowling
published by Scholastic Press 1997
Reading Level: 4-6 (and everyone else!)
309 Pages
Genre: Fantasy

Harry is left on the door step of his aunt and uncles house when he was an infant. They tried to take care of him in the least interactive way as possible. His aunt always hated his mother so she made it very hard on Harry. However when his eleventh birthday rolls around he learns he is a wizard and begins attending Hogwarts. The school of Witch Craft and Wizardry. Harry finally feels like he fits in. Soon enough he learns that his parents and he are famous. His parents were killed by the most powerful dark wizard there was in existence. But Harry lived through it. The wizard Voldemort had not been seen since. Some believed him to be dead. As Harry goes through school he learns all kinds of things about himself and his family. He learns all about the new world of wizard he had never even heard of. At one point he learn about a magic item called the sorcerer's stone which can keep anyone who uses it youthful and healthy for as long as the posses it. Mean while he is noticing that one of his professors acts very strangely around him and he doesn't know why. One day while he and his friend Ron and Hermionie are lost in the castle the stumble upon a corridor which is forbidden. However they get trapped inside when one of the castles tattletale creatures comes round the corner. They find themselves in a maze of traps where they nearly don't make it. However, Harry is alone when he reaches the end. He finds that his professor is there and soon after that Voldemort is using his body to come back to power. Voldemort thinks if he can get the Sorcerer's stone he will be restored, but when Harry touches him the professor is killed and
Voldemort flees. The maze being what was protecting the stone is given to his headmaster for safe keeping and Harry goes home for the summer to return next year.

My Reaction:
I have always loved the Harry Potter Series and I was glad to get to read it again for a class. I have always believed it has such wonderful writing and wonderful detail that relapses in each book. I will always love the character building in the book and I learn something new about each character every time I read these books over.

Potential Problems:
This book does have magic and some parents are not okay with that. Also it has some murder and some language in the text.

I think this is a series that could hook just about any hesitant reader. It has all the good pieces of a strong plot that the reader feeds on. I think this doesn't need to be in the schools because it is already so wide spread we don't need it to be required, but it could still be useful.

Bark George

by Jules Feiffer
Published by Michael di Capua Books Harper Collins 1991
32 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

George cannot bark. His mom tries and tries but he can only make other animal sounds. So she takes him to the vet where the vet pulls out a cat, a duck, a pig and a cow. Finally George can bark. On their way home George goes to bark and says, "Hello!" The pastel colors in this book are really fun. They are not to bright bu there is still plenty of color. This book would be really great for color identification in kindergarten and such. This would be a good book for very little ones, good for repetition and word identification as well.

I have always loved this book. It's so fun and twists reality a little bit. However it's a fun was to let it be possible.

Potential Problems:

I would recommend this as a great read-aloud book! The colors and text are simple enough to work on recognition and it just has a great story line!

New Year's Day

by David F. Marx
Published by Grolier Publishing 2000
Reading level 2-
32 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

This book shows lot of things about celebrating the new year. The pictures show us how different counties celebrate and sometimes not even on the first of January. The reader reads all about New York and why people gather there to do on new years eve. The colors are as exciting as the new year with lots of reads and brightly colors floats and skies. The picture complement the text as we learn about how people celebrate with football and family games. It closes by reminding us that we get to celebrate it every year.

This was written for a very young child so it was not anything I didn't know already but it was still fun.

Potential Problems:

I would use this in class while teaching about celebrations. It's great to show how it is different for everyone all around the world.

African-American Heroes: Will Smith

by Stephen Feinstein
Published by Enslow Elementary/Enslow Publishers 2008
24 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

Summary: This book is a fantastic introduction to chapter books. It is small enough to be readable for young kids but split up were it can be considered a chapter book. The colors are great, yellows and greens draw the eye to chapters and captions that relate Will to the reader. We find that as it talks about Will's childhood it shows that the reader could be like Will because he liked Dr. Seuss books. Throughout the book there are recognizable issues that the reader could identify. Such as Will's friends and how they would know them. For example Eddie Murphy was the voice of Donkey in the movie Shrek. The text takes things the reader may not know and makes them identifiable. The text runs through a time-line which it actually shows in the back. It ends with a quote from Will to excite the reader about being better.

I learned some things I didn't know about Will Smith and that was pretty fun. Taking something you know and understanding it farther.

Potential Problems:

I would recommend this book to kids who find themselves caught up in the celebrity scene. To those who look up to them and want to know more about them, and why they are they way they are.

The Comanche Indians

by Bill Lund
Published by Capstone Press 1997
Reading level 2-
24 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

These Indians are a fun part of our history. We learn that they still live here in the US. Most live in Texas and Oklahoma. We see many different types of pictures as we read. First there are some from modern day, while others are black and white, and very old. This book tells us how they live in tepees, what they eat, how they dress, and what their skill sets are. We even learn that they did not originate in the South but came from the Shoshone Indians in Idaho. In the end, we learn to play a game and speak a little of their language. The text is very informational and clear.

This was a fun book to read because I have a little Native American in my line. It was clear and too the point and an interesting read.

Potential Problems:
The pictures are a little graphic, and even a little scary. But informational.

I think this is a fun reference book and would be good to teach the history of Pre-America.

Countries of the World: Brazil

by Michael Dahl
Published by Capstone Press 1997
Reading Level 2-
24 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

This book walks us through Brazil and teaches us about the culture there. We learn that they live in a Rain Forest, and have lots and farms, as well as cities. We learn how the travel and how their river system works to their advantage. We learn about what the kids are like there and how their schools are organized. Continuing we learn about their food and animals, and what they celebrate and get excited about. Near the end we even learn one of their favorite party games. The color choice is easy to follow. Black, white, green and colored pictures. The pictures make it much easier to understand the text and see what it is really like there.

This was a very good reference book. It had things from the population, to how to speak a little Portuguese. It was interesting and I learn a couple new things.

Potential Problems:

This is a great reference book for elementary kids. It could be fun to use for a presentation and display book. I think any kids who like to learn about the world would like this type of book.

Andersen Fairy Tales

Found on
  • Princess and the Pea
  • Thumbelina
  • The little mermaid
  • The ugly duckling

Summary: As we begin the story of the princess and the pea we find a prince lookin for love in all the wrong places. Lookin for love in too many faces. His mother came up with a test that only a true princess would pass. So late one night a princess came to to their home looking for a place to sleep. As they prepared her bed they stacked matres upon matres and hid a pea in the bottom most. When she got up in the morning they asked her how she slept. She said terribly, and she was bruised from the spot in her bed that had been hard with the pea. So they knew that she was a real princess and she was married to the prince.

Reaction: These were just good classic fairy tales. I enjoyed them and enjoyed the memories they brought back from childhood. I will be sure to read my children these stories.

Potential Problems: None

Recommendations: Every parent and teacher should give their kids this foundations of fairy tales. They are so rateable and bring memories.

Asbjornsen Fairy Tales

Found on
  • One's Own Children are always the Prettiest
  • Thumbikin
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Ashlad who made the princess say, "That's a Lie."

Summary: There was a hunter who went out for sport. As he was out one day, he ran into a snipe. She talked him out of killer her and asked that he not kill her children. He asked how he would know which ones were heres. She said that they were the most beautiful snipes and he would know them. So he went on and killed many snipes. When he came back he had a whole sting up. The Snipe yelled and asked why he had killed all of her babies. He said he had not, he picked out the ugliest ones. She said don't you know that to parent's, their children are always the best looking.

Reaction: These were vastly different than the tales I have read up to this point. I found that they were much cleaner and I hadn't heard of to many of them. I did know a couple variations of some but they were much more fun.

Potential Problems: none

Recommendations: These stories are much more kid friendly! I think they would be great to use in elementary school things. They would be fun to do as read alouds and acting out things. They are fantastic for teaching.

Perrault's Fairy Tales

I read on
  • The Master Cat/Puss in Boots
  • The Fairies
  • Sleeping Beauty
  • Ricky of the Tuft

Summary: A man died living his three sons a mill, a donkey, and a cat. The oldest took the mill, the second the donkey, leaving the third with the cat. Thinking he would starve to death without the help of his brothers he started asking the cat what to do besides kill him and skin him. The cat said if he would provide him with a bag and boots, he would not be sorry. So he did so and the cat caught him much food and took some to the king in his name. One day the cat came up with a plan. He would have his master pretend to be robbed while bathing and when the King came out on his carriage ride with his daughter he would recoginze his name and help him. This happned, after which he rode with the King and his daughter through the lands. The cat made it so everyone the crossed said that they were working the third sons land. He even killed an ogre so he could present the King with a castle. The King gave his daughter to the son and they were married.

My Reaction: The ones were interestingly different. They were the original stories I grew up on, but there where huge parts of the stories I have never heard before. I really enjoyed them, maybe better then the disney versions where no one dies.

Potential Problems: One again Murder, and children being eaten!

Recommendations: I would say these would be a fun change for High School students.

Jacob's Fariy Tales

I read on

  • The Rose Tree
  • Mr. Vinegar
  • Henny-Penny
  • Lazy Jack

Summary: The Rose Tree

In this story, there was a young girl who had been from her father's first marriage and he had remarried and had a son. However the girls step-mother hated the girl so she chopped off her head and then tried to make soup from her organs to feed to her father and brother. This caused her brother to not eat and he went and burried her under the Rose Tree. He would sit and cry everyday over the tree until one day it bloomed. There was a white bird that came and sat in the tree, it went to a shoe makers and sang of the sad tale, the man loved it so much he gave the bird the shoes he had been working on to hear it again. The bird took the shoes and did the same with a watchmaker and a millstone cutter. Then went back to the home of the family. Knocking on the house with the millstone the stepmother believed it was thunder so the father and son ran out to see, the shoes and watch were dropped at their feet. They showed the step mother what the thunder hand given them and next time the heard the thunder she ran outside to see if it had a gift for her. The millstone was droped on her head and she died.

My Reaction: I liked these stories a lot more than the Grimm stories. Their plots seemed less crazy and murderous. I wanted to read all of these stories for hours.

Potential Problems: They do tend to address murder and beatings as good revenge for those who are better than you are do something stupid.

Recommendations: These are fun, they could be used in drama classes as practice and such, but I don't know if I would use them in the class room until the kids are a little older than elementary school.

50 American Heroes Every Kid Should Meet

by Dennis Denenberg & Lorraine Roscoe
Published by Millbrook Press Inc 2006
Reading Level: 4-6
Number of Pages 128
Genre: Non-Fiction

This book is filled with all kinds of information about the great heroes of America. It has quite the range as well, from women to men, from black to white, from the beginning until now. Actors to Presidents, and writers to baseball players. The format it simple and effective. It is made up of three colors, white and black with hits of light blue. It is very clear and has a great amount of information on each person is a very small space. Each person gets about two pages which are packed with pictures and simple text. Also, it is a great reference book because it refers the reader to other books that will give more detail. It gives the title, publishing information and number of pages. My favorite section was on Bill Cosby, it explained that he was more than an actor, he was a teacher, an author and a humanitarian. I was so amazed at the things I didn't know and how the writing instantly interests the reader.

My reaction:
This book was a fantastic reference book. I loved it! I learned so much about those who have influenced America today and why. I really want this book for my personal collection even if I am not a teacher, i want my kids to learn about these amazing people and how their lives are better because of them.

Potential Problems:
It's history, some times there are things that are hard to teach kids about in history books. Murder, hate, etc. But this is a fantastic way to learn these in a very light manner.

I think every teacher and parent should have one of these in their collection. These kinds of books teach our children to be better and that if they work hard the can succeed. Even if the odds are against them.

Obama: Only in America

by Carole Boston Weatherford and illustrated by Robert T. Barrett
Published by Marshall Cavendish 2010
Reading Level 2-3
40 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction

Barack Obama was born August 1961 to a woman from the states and a father from Kenya. He went by Barry until he got out of high school. His parent's were divorce and after his mother remarried he was sent to live with his grandparents. He taught himself how to be a black man in a sea of white people. He got into Punahou Academy where he met all kinds of amazing people. His father came to see him when he was 10 and they spent a whole month getting to know each other, before and after that point, their only form of communication was through writing. He planned to go to Kenya to see his father but before he could do so his father was killed in a car accident. He was unsure of what to do at this point. All he knew was that he was different and he felt he wanted to speak out against it, but didn't know how. He would secretly read books by black authors until his mother told him he wasn't doing anything with his life and helped him get into college. He went to Columbia University and worked hard. He continued in education but eventually started using what he knew to start groups that would help his speak out. He got into Harvard Law school and visited Kenya at last, where he was able to understand his roots better. He met his wife and they were married. They had two little girls. He then got voted into Illinois state senate, after which he became a senator. He then ran for president. The illustations of this book are beautiful. They tie in the effects of past presidents and authors into Obama's belief system. There were lots of browns and reds and teal colors. Like the earth. They seemed to tell the stories of his roots which then turned into is future.

I found this book very intersting and informative. However, I had a hard time seeing him in the good light they put him in. But it was writen very well with quotes from his speaches on every page. It makes me wonder what I would have thought of past presidents if i didn't only read about them in such positive light.

Potential Problems:
This book dose address his drug problems and uses very light terms to explain about his drug use and why. I think it may be a little too positive how they address his adiction as a help.

I think it may help better the understanding of our president, but i wouldn't nessisarily recommend it to elementary students. It uses lots of big words which may require a lot of time in this book, so that you may not want to answer as a teacher.

The Alphabet War

by Diane Burton Robb and illustrated by Gail Piazza
Published Ablert Whitman & Company 2004
Reading Level 2-3
32 Pages
Genre: contemporary realistic fiction

Adam grew up loving to listen to his mother read him books. However as he gets into school he does not excel in reading. He does well with math and other subjects, but he cannot read, and this frustrates his teacher. He finds himself unmotivated and angry as he tries to work through his class work. As he tells himself he cannot do it, he learns that he can. His mother and many different teachers and aids help him to see his potential and teach him trick to progress in reading. He works hard and does his best. I thought the pictures in this book were fabulous. The simple colors took us into the world of Adam's mind. As he fought off life size letters and spent time on the moon, would could see through the pictures how isolated he felt in the class room and among his peers.

I really loved reading about Adam. In Jr. High and High school I had a really hard time with reading until I was able to get some help. I could see that through Adam this book could be very motivational for children who are struggling with their reading. Especially when they don't understand why the are different and believe they cannot change it.

Potential Problems:

I would recommend this to any child who was having a hard time reading, or even a parent of one of these children. This book makes it so much easier to understand how children in these situations feel.

The Story of Ruby Bridges

by Robert Coles and illustrated by George Ford
Published by Scholastic Inc. 2004
Reading Level 2-3 grade
32 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction Picture Book

As we open, we learn about the move Ruby and her family is making. Her father lost his job to new machines and they had to move to New Orleans. There her mother and father worked hard for their children. As Ruby turns 6 a new law is passed concerning the segregation of schools. They wish to desegregate the schools and send three little black girls to one school, and Ruby was chosen to go to one by herself. As she arrives every day mobs cover the streets trying to get the new law reversed. Every day Ruby returns and continues to get an education under armed guard. Every day as Ruby returns to school she prays for the people in the mob who hate her so much. As months go on, two white boys are returned to the school and eventually the school is repopulated with it's formal tenants. The illustration creates a whimsical feel to the book. The colors are soft and the faces in the mobs seem to blend together. Especially the kind face of Mrs. Harris shows a sweet loving kindness for Ruby that the faceless mob does not have. I love the blue in her eyes that shine with worry and love.

I have always loved this book. It provides a true story that children can look up to and understand the past of our country from a child their age. I love the strength that Ruby displays and the strength it gives the readers.

Potential Problems:
There is underlying issues of segregation, but this is a great way to learn about it.

This would be great when learning about history. I would have teachers read this with their kids to give them a comprehensible view of History. I think all elementary students should read this book.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Cardboard Piano

By: Lynne Rae Perkins
Published by Greenwillow Books 2008
Elementary Age
32 Pages
Genre: Picture Book

Tina and Debbie are best friends! They do everything together. They go on camp outs in their back yards and go on bike rides every where. These girls are the best of friends. However, Debbie begins having piano lessons. Tina waits outside and listens wishing she could play. So Debbie makes Tina a cardboard piano and she tells Tina she can pretend. Tina tries it but it's not as fun as it sounded, so she gives it back to Debbie. This makes Debbie sad, wishing that this was on thing that the girls didn't have in common. It rains outside. When it stops they both decide they want cookies so they spend time together loving the things they both love. The go outside and meet their neighbor. He is an older man who teaches them how to do a dance from his childhood and they stay out until their mom's call them in, dancing. The colors in this book are beautiful. The are bright and lend a hand to the story. Even when Debbie and Tina are upset with each other, the colors follow their moods. Making the illustrations dark blues, greens and browns, and full of shadow. As they come back together and the rain stops, the colors are brighter than ever! It's beautiful!

I really enjoyed this book. It really showed how friendships have their ups and downs but they still are strong no matter your differences. It was fun to see the metaphor of the piano with a white friend and a black friend. They have many differences but when the play together it is beautiful.

Potential Problems:
Boys may not like this book as much as girls. But other than that, none.

I would recommend this book to any young girl who loves to read. It's fun and relate able.

How to Behave and Why

By: Munro Leaf
Published by Universe Publishing 2002
Genre: Picture Book

How to behave and why. That basicly sums it us for us right there. This book talks about how if you are not Honest, Fair , Strong, and Wise, you will not have any friends and your parents will hate you. The book follows a pattern of three colors: red, white, and black. These colors are accomplanied by stick figures that act out the text. They are very childish and intersting to watch.

If it wasn't obvious, i really didn't like this book. It was very sad to read that through this book our kids learn that if they are not the best, they will be hated. Lots of little stick figures populate the pages with sad faces and loneliness! It was terrible to think a child would read this and be put down by the text.

Potential Problems:
Just that, it puts down the reader for not being perfect. I hope parents would see that this book is intended for good, but it will not do any good.

I would not recommend this book to anyone.

Who Moved My Cheese? (for teens)

By: Spencer Johnson, MD
Published by G.P. Putnam's Sons 2002
Reading Level: 7th grade and up
94 Pages
Genre: Non-Fiction through fiction

This book is fairly interesting. We find a group of kids sitting around the lunch table after they have just found out their school schedules are being changed. As the kids sit around and display different emotions about the situation, Chris begins to laugh. Chris tells them a story about a maze. In the maze we find two little people and two rats. The rats are simpled minded and go until they find the cheese that gives them nourishment. The story moves forward as this is a daily ritual everything is fine. Until the four of them find a large stash of cheese where they stay comfortable for a long time. One day the return and all the cheese is gone. The rats move on quickly but the little people stay and analyze for days until they are so weak they can hardly continue on to find new cheese. Each of the four react differently when the cheese disappears. The point of the story is the cheese is things we care about and strive for and when the cheese is moved, how do we deal with it so that it is better for us and those related to our cheese. After the analogy the kids find themselves analyzing their lives and looking at what their cheese is and how they should react.

I found this book interesting. It had some really great analogies for kids who are struggling with changes in their lives. It wasn't one I would read again because once you read it, it's kind of stuck in your head. But I think it was well written to reach kids in different ways.

Potential Problems:

I think any teen who is having a hard time with change would benefit from this book. Whether they are dealing with divorce, a new school, or a break up, anything can relate to this metaphor.

Monday, February 7, 2011


by Louis Sachar
Published by Scholastic 1998
Reading Level 3rd grade and up
Genre: Modern Fantasy
7 time award winner

Stanley is cursed. Well, Stanley's family is cursed. They have been for a very long time. Way back when, Stanley's Great-great-grandfather fell in love with a silly girl. But a pig farmer in town wanted to marry her as well, and her father wanted a new pig so he said he had better come up with a pig or something better or he would be out of the race for the maids hand. But he was in love. So he went to Madam Zeroni an old gypsy woman and asked her what to do. He gave her a piglet and said if he carried it up the hill every day and let it drink from the stream and sang to it, both he and the pig would grow to be strong and he would be able to marry the woman of his dreams. She said on the day of the pig weighing he must take it up the mountain so it would be heavy enough, but instead he took a bath so he could look good for his woman. This was a mistake, the two pigs ended up being the same weight and the father could not decided between the two suitors so he let his daughter pick, Stanley's grandfather thought he had it made next to the old dirty pig farmer, but she couldn't make up her mind. He realized her head was as empty as everyone had told him and went out on the dock. He noticed if he hired on as a boat hand he could get a free trip to America. So he jumped on and sailed toward America, but then he remembered he had promised Madam Zeroni that he would carry her up the mountain and sing to her as she drank. She had warned him if he did not his family would be cursed for all of eternity. There was no turning back now, and that's how the curse began!
So here we have poor cursed Stanley, and as he is walking home from school he walks under an underpass and some shoes fall on his head. His dad being an inventor was working on a project in which he was trying to renew old shoes, so Stanley thinking they may help picked them up and started running home. Next thing he knew he was in a court hearing and being sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile facility for boys. Upon arrival he meets 6 new boys he will be living with for the next year and a half. They each suport terrible nicknames and Stanley soon recieves one. Caveman. So out in Camp Green Lake, it's not really a lake, it's a hot dried up lake bed in which the boys spend their days digging holes. Five feet by five feet. Everyday! This was to "build character." It's hard work and Stanley has a hard time getting into the hang of things. As they dig their group leaders tell them if they find anything interesting to bring it to them and if the warden of the camp likes it she will give them the day off. One day while digging he finds a fosil and shows it to their group leader. After their leader left the boy who tends to dominate to group comes to Stanley and they make a deal that if he finds anything else, he will bring it to him so he can have the day off. A few days later Stanley finds the top of a lipstick cover and he gives it to the boy, who gets the day off and the other boys spend the next couple days digging around the hole where the tube was "found." But Stanley knows where they should really be looking. Eventually he befriends the smallest member of the group. Zero. It is not until later that we learn his name is Hector Zeroni. Everyone, including the camp leaders believes his head to be empty and his place in life to be worthless, so when Stanley begins to teach Zero to read, it causes quite a blow up. Zero traded an hour of digging in Stanley's hole for an hour of teaching. This worked out great until the other boys start to complain and their is a fight and one of the boys punches Stanley causing Zero to react and tries to get him off by chocking him. The whole camp shows up at their digging sight including the warden. They tell Stanley to dig his own hole and that he can't teach Zero anymore because it stresses him out so much he is going to hurt someone else. They continue to tell Stanley how Zero is not smart enough to learn. Zero hits their leader in the face with a shovel and then runs away into the desert. Days later Stanley goes after him and finds him under an old boat nearly dead. With both of them run aways they decide to climb up the mountain on the far side of the camp where they saw a rock formation that looked like a thumbs up. The purpose for this was Stanley's Great-grandfather had been caught by Kissin Kate Barrlow out here and she had left him to die. He was found weeks latter and he said the only reason he lived was because he took refuge on God's thumb. So they venture up the side of the mountain and as they near the top Zero's body gives out and Stanley has to carry him up to the top where he finds a muddy mess in the dark. He digs a hole in the mud which fills with water and he gives Zero a drink to revive him. As he does so he sings the song his great-great-grandfather sang to his pig to make him grow strong. They find themselves in a field of wild onion where they live and revive for just over a week. Then they decide on a plan to get out of the camp without getting caught. But Stanley thinks that they should go find the hole where he found the lipstick tube weeks before. There is another story behind Kissin Kate Barrlow. She lived in Green Lake back in the day when the lake was beautiful and the town was green and fertile. She was the only school teacher in town and quickly fell in love with the man in town who sold onions. He fixed up her school house and one day a woman in town saw them kiss. This was against the law because Sam, the onion man, was a black man. So they burnt down the school house and killed Sam, after which Kate went bad so depressed about Sam and became the most feared bandit in Texas. She had been killed by a lizard while the man who killed Sam tried to find her loot. She had buried it somewhere in the lake and from that day on his posterity was still searching. This was why the warden opened the camp. So she wouldn't have to dig but she could get her money. However, Stanley was the only one who knew where it was. So they sneak back into the Camp late and night and find a suit case in the side of Stanley's hole. They pull it out in time for the warden to corner them, but soon realizes they are covered in deadly lizards. They stay in the hole for a long time until the realize all the onions they had eaten saved them from the lizards. So eventually they climb out, but luckily Stanley has a lawyer there. When Stanley carried Zero up the mountain he had broken the curse and therefore their family had it's luck back and his father's shoe remedy worked! So they had much money to send a lawyer to get Stanley and found him in this situation. It turns out that the suitcase had money that belonged to his great-grandfather. So they had large sums of money which they used to find Zero's long lost mother.

My Reaction:
I love this book because everything is tied together! Everything! It shares hope and the joy of friendship. It was hard to do the summary because there are so many elements to include, it would be better just to read the book. It draws you in with the different stories and the different time periods. It's fantastically written.

Potential Problems:
This book does have some murder and a slave related content. It has a lot to do with prejudice and misunderstanding those around us. But they are lessons that should be learned.

I think every student in the world should read this book. Even if it is just for fun. It is so fantastic and teaches some very good basic principles about friendship and hope.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Grimm Fariy Tales

I read online at various different sights:
The Seven Ravens
Brother and Sister
and Hansel and Gretel

The Brother And Sister was one that I had never heard of before. It started out with a brother and sister who had a terrible step mother and step sister. So they decided to run away. The step mother found they had left and put a spell on all the drinking water in the forest, so each spring and river said do not drink me our you will become so sort of animal. Brother got so thirsty after trying may different drinking places and finding nothing, that he finally drank from pool saying, "do not drink me or you will become a deer." But he was so thirst he drank any way and found himself transformed into a deer. The sister being upset decided they had to find so shelter where she could now take care of the two of them. They traveled through the woods for some time until they came to a cabin where they lived for some time. One day they hear a kingdom near by is having a hunting tournament and Brother thought it would be fun to participate as a deer. So he tells the sister he is going and she says that when he returns he must knock three times and say, "sister I have returned from the game, let me in." So day by day he did so until a hunter hiding in a bush over heard one day. He told the king of the lovely maiden, so the next day while Brother is out he goes to the door and says, "sister I have returned from the game, let me in." She opens the door and seeing that it is not her brother is frightened. But all is well, the king takes them in and marries the maiden. They have a child and when the step mother hears of the happiness and wealth of the maiden goes up to the castle. One night as the Queen(Sister the maiden) goes to take a bath, the witch(step mother) burns her to death in the water. She in turn enchants her ugly daughter into looking like the Queen and takes her place. One night as the nurse over the child is watching the ghost of the Queen come in through the window and pets the deer and hold the child. The nurse tells the king and the next night when she comes back he touches her and she comes back to life. With the Queen back the capture the witch and the sister and burn them for revenge, and with the witch dead the Brother turns back into a human. Then they live happily ever after.

My Reaction:
I actually liked this story, this is one I have not heard. It was interesting having the Queen come back to life but I rather enjoyed the randomness of it.

Potential Problems:
It's a Grimm story... is that not enough. There is murder and magic such. Some parents don't want their children reading these kinds of things.

I think these would be fun for a starting drama class or something where it could be used to inspire imagination.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret

by Brian Selznick
Published by Scholastic Press 2007
Reading Level 4-6 grade
544 Pages
Genre: Science Fiction

The book opens on a scene of the Moon over 1931 Paris, France. The stars shine and we find ourselves inside the train station. As we flip through the black and white pictures we begin to follow a boy through the crowd. He slips into a vent in the wall and suddenly we are in the walls of the station. He looks out the clock on the wall and we look down on a toy booth. We soon learn that Hugo has been stealing from the old man who owns the booth. Taking toys for parts to fix a mechanical man. His father found the mechanical man while he was working in the museum, but his father was caught in a fire that burnt down the museum and he was killed. His Uncle came to his door that night and brought him to the train station where he has been living for quite some time. However, his uncle has disappeared. Unsure of where too find him, Hugo has been doing his job taking car of the stations clocks. He picks up his checks and keeps everything working so no one knows that his uncle is missing. When he realized that his uncle was not coming back he tried to run away but only founnd himself at the old museum that was only ashes now. Looking over the ashes he find the mechanical man and takes him back to the station because he realizes he has no place else to go. So no he has been trying to fix the mechanical man by taking the toys from the old man at his booth. It worked very well until Hugo is caught and the old man makes him work to repay all that he has stolen and takes his notebook that his father wrote with all the instructions of how to fix the mechanical man. The mechanical man was made to write a message so Hugo believes if he can fix it, the message with be for him from his father. So he knows he must get it back. But Hugo figures out how to fix the mechanical man without the help of the notebook and soon it is working well, except that he is missing the key that starts the man writing. As he is in the shop on day the old man starts yelling that he broke into his house and took the notebook. He has no idea what he is talking about until the man goddaughter comes around the corner and shows him she has it. He pretends to try to get it back but really he takes the necklace off which has a key in the shape of a heart on it. So he runs not telling the old man he had not stolen the notebook back. He runs to his room in the walls of the station and as he puts the key in and begins to turn it, the girl bursts in the door demanding to know why he stole her necklace. They start the man together and it draws them a picture. A picture of a movie Hugo's father had once told him about. Then the mechanical man signs the picture, with the old mans name! So the goddaughter thinks it belongs to her and grabs it but when Hugo grabs the other side it rips in half and Isabelle, the goddaugher, takes her half and runs home. Hugo follows. They ask her godmother all kinds of questions of where it came from. She tries to hide it but eventually they find out that Isabelle's godfather was a movie director and actor and after the war his dear friends who helped him make his movies, Isabelle's parents, were killed in a car accident and that it had upset him so much they got rid of all his movies and bought the toy store so they could have money. However he realizes he misses it so much, and he tells Hugo how he built the mechanical man. So Hugo goes to get it but by now the police have realized his uncle is not around and they try to arest him, but the old man takes him in as his own. Where, Hugo finds a home and his purpose in life.

My Reaction:
I loved this book. It had beautiful art work. I loved that it was only in black and white. I loved that the story would drop off and you would follow the story through pictures at different times. It put and unexpected spin on things.

Potential Problems:
Hugo does steal food here and there and the toys from the booth out of necessity but it may be a little touchy with some parents. Also his uncle is a drunk and they find him dead at one point. That may be a little much as well.

I think this book would be fantastic for anyone, but especially those kids that think they cannot read big books. Even just carrying it around I felt smarter because I had a huge book under my arm. I think it would be a great motivating book. They may feel like they can transition from picture books to chapter books more comfortably.

Henry's Freedom Box: A True Story From the Underground Railroad

By Ellen Levine and Illustrated by Kadir Nelson
Published by Scholastic Press 2007
40 Pages
Genre: Picture Book/Non Fiction
Caldecott Honor Book


Henry Brown, was a slave we begin. In dark, rich, browns and blues we learn about his life as a slave. As he is sold to his masters son, his life changes. He meets the woman of his dreams. She seems to glow on the page. In the dark street she shines like a star in a dark sky. He sees her as a light in his life, who brings their beautiful 3 beautiful children into the world. I love this page because it shows Henry sitting and playing the banjo for his family. All three children sit on their mothers lap and it is the soft warm glow of the fire light that shows the love the family shares for each other. One day while Henry is at work, his family is sold and he never sees them again. He decided he must do something, he does not want to live the rest of his life this way. So he gets his good friend, a white man, who does not believe in slavery, and a friend from work to put him in a crate and send him to some friends in the north. The put him inside and ask them post me to handle it with car and keep the right side up. However Henry is not kept right side up. He gets turned upside down for a long time and is very uncomfortable. He then is pushed onto his side and then right side up, the illustration shows each turn and his position inside the box with such amazing contrast to the outside world. When he is finally sitting right side up, he falls asleep. When he wakes up he finds himself in the home of their friends and he gets out of the box a free man.

My Reaction:

I really loved this book. It was amazing to watch the colors of the book. They went from very dark pages to the light white pages as he made is way to freedom. I really loved hearing the story this way. Especially when it showed us his positions in the box. How creative!

Potential Problem:

It is a book about slavery, but I think it teaches that it is wrong, and really doesn't every make it sound okay. So perhaps it shouldn't be a problem. It's part of our past.


I think this is a fantastic book for young children. It help them understand that though we may be different no one is higher or lower than the other. People should not have to live in fear. I love the lessons it can teach.

The Wandering of Odysseus: The story of the Odyssey

by Rosemary Sutcliff
Published by Laurel-Leaf Random House Children's Books 1995
Reading Level: 7-9 grade
135 pages
Genre: traditional Literatur(Mythology)

We start this book out with the end of the war in Troy. Everyone is heading home in their ships and Odysseus and his men go a little different way. They find themselves in the clutches of a cyclops whom they blind and escape with the loss of a few men. As the sail away Odysseus begins to gloat and the Cyclops prays to his father Poseidon the god of the sea and asks for revenge. As they sail they find a king who gives them a bag full of the winds that will take them home. So when they see their home land they accidentally open the bag and it sends their ships far away. They find themselves in many different scenarios in which they lose many men. However, at home Odysseus's wife and son are forced to find his wife a new husband as everyone believes Odysseus to be dead. However, they believe he is not so Telemachus his son goes out to find clues of his fathers existence. Back to Odysseus, he loses all his men to the monsters of the sea and the terrible perils they find themselves in. So Odysseus being the only on left washes up on the shore of Calypso's island where she falls in love with him and keeps him there for seven years. At last the gods have pit on him and make her let him go. So he is given a boat and sails off. However Poseidon sees him and crashes his boat, and he finds himself washed up on the shore of another land. The kings daughter of this land takes pity on him and they take very good care of him and once they find out he is the long lost Odysseus they give him a boat and have him sent home. However, as this happens one of the gods comes to him to tell him of all the suitors who have made his home their playground. So he is given the look of a beggar and goes about making a plan. He shows himself to a couple of his good servants and his son who help him put his plan into play. They talk his wife into having a competition for her hand, still not knowing that her husband stood right in front of her. So they have a competition, the suitor who will get her hand must string Odysseus' bow and then shoot an arrow through 12 axe heads. While the competition is going on, they secretly lock all the suitors in the house. Once all the doors are locked they arm themselves and kill all the suitors. When his wife comes down to see what has happened and he no longer looks like a beggar she cannot believe her eyes, so she tells her maid to go up stairs and move their marriage bed where Odysseus can sleep until she is sure it is really him. But this is a trick and Odysseus knows this. He says this is not possible to move their marriage bed without first cutting it out of the ground because one of the bed posts is made of a tree that grows up from the ground though the bed. This is when she knows it is Odysseus and there is great rejoicing!

My Reaction:
This book was okay. I'm not a big fan of the Odyssey. It's very interesting but I have to flinch every time someone gets their brains dashed out. Yikes! So it was good but it's not my favorite. It was a pretty good run over of the Odyssey for Jr. High kids so they can have some background of mythology.

Potential Problems:
I wouldn't have younger kids read this book, it is really graphic even though it is a toned down version of the tale. There is a lot of murder, theft, cannibalism, and any other mythology theme you can think of. These could be a little questionable for some parents so I would check with them on this book.

This book could be some great ground work for mythology and history lessons in class. Jr. High would be a good place to start using this book, especially with the boys that like the gory stuff but don't want to read.

Walk two Moons

by Sharon Creech
Published by Harper Collins Children's Books 1994
280 Pages
Genre: Contemporary Realistic Fiction
Reading Level: 4-6
Newberry Winner

This book is quite intricate. We begin and find ourselves in the middle of three different stories. The base story is we find thirteen year old Salamanca(Sal) and her grandparents on their way to Idaho to visit her mother and hopefully bring her home. Sal's mother left for Idaho in search for herself. She believed herself wanting when it came to being a mother and a wife. Sal's never understood why she felt that way, but her mother left any way, without saying good bye, she only left a loving note for Sal and her father explaning where she had gone and when she hoped to return. So as Sal is on this journey to find her mother, the long drive prompts her to tell the story of her friend Phebe and how her mother left her as well. As we here the story about Phebe, they stop on the side of the road to help strangers and take brakes. However as Phebe's story is being told one day they stop to put their feet in the river and Sal's grandmother is bitten by a water moccasin. They rush her to the hospital and stay over night making sure Sal's grandmother is stable. The next day her grandmother comes flying out of her room, "let's get on the road!" so they continue on. As Phebe's story comes to a close we start putting pieces together about the story of Sal's mother. Their family had lived out in the county and had beautiful trees and space to run. Sal's parents dreamed of filling their home with children, but when Sal's mother gives birth to a still-born and she loses her ability to have children their lives spin out of control. This is when Sal's mother decided it was time to try to find what she was missing. But as she drives on the long bus ride to Idaho she sees how much she misses her family and sends postcards and letters. As Sal takes the trip with her grandparents she sees all that her mother had writen about on her postcards. However, we find that the reason Sal knows Phebe, is her father moved her into town and he had taken interest in a woman named Margret. However, every time her father tries to explain why he spends so much time with Margret she will not hear it. As the trip nears the end, Sal's grandma slides into a comma as they get within 100 miles of their destination. Her grandpa having taught Sal how to drive the car on the farm tells her to take the car and go while he stays with Grandma in the hospital. Sal takes the car and drives out on the twisting highway until the sun is about to come up and then she pulls over to the shoulder looking over the edge of the road into a ravine she sees a bus. She climbs down the hill and into the bus that is on it's side with its windows busted out and a large hole in the side. They say only one person survived the accident. She begins to search for anything that will remind her of her mother. As she crawls out of the bus without anything she sees the police car that had pulled up behind her grandpa's car. She meets the man and as he learns she is only thirteen and she drove to the accident sight by herself, he puts her in the back of his car and asks why she is here. She tells him the story of how Gran is in the hospital. After which she tells the officer the stroy of how her mother had traveled up to Idaho and died last year in the bus accident. The officer takes her to the nearest town where she can go to her mother's grave and understand that her mother is not coming back. The officer takes her back to the hospital where she finds her grandmother has passed away and she and her grandpa are alone. They drive home and bury her Grandma in the grove of trees where she was married to Gramps and their family is able to heal as they understand the loss in death but the beauty of life and those around them. Once Sal gets home her mother tells her why he has been spending so much time with Margret. She had been the only surviver on the bus and she had been sitting next to Sal's mother the whole week they spent driving to Idaho. He spent time with her because they could relate and she would tell him all the things that Sal's mother talked about on their trip. But eventually they were able to move back to thier home in the country and enjoy the memories of her mother together.

My Reaction:
I cried! This book was so touching it was hard for me not to. I really felt touched and the mystery that opened in front of me was amazing as I realized what a small world we live in and that our stories are very similar to others out there. I did have a hard time getting into the story for a little bit because there were so many different things going on, but by the end I really liked it. It was very touching and made me see how precious life is. It was a hard but very good read.

Potential Problems:
Well, this book has a lot of difficult subjects all tied into one. First, abandonment and possiblities of devorce. As well as possible adultry. Next, Phebe and Sal talk about murder and theft a lot. Also we have a little love story going on with Sal and she is only thirteen. These all could be touchy subjects for parents.

I think any child who feels they have been abandoned or have lost a parent could find comfort in this book. It does not make light of these subjects but brings them to the readers attention in a comforting way. I think it's a very good read and may help children work through it.

The Eleventh Hour: A Curious Mystery

by Graeme Base
Published by Abrams books for Young Readers 1993
Reading Level: 3-4 grade
30 Pages
Genre: Picture Book Mystery

We find ourselves in preparation for a party as we open this book. Horace the Elephant is preparing a birthday party of himself for his eleventh birthday. He sends out his beautiful hand made invitations and finds himself preparing a feast for all those that attend. Soon guests arrive in fancy costumes and see the wonderful things that Horace has prepared for them and they are ready to dig in, but Horace has a plan. He has many games prepared for his friends to play, so he leads them away from the beautiful spread and they get started. As the day goes on they play game after game after game enjoying the party. As they conclude their festivities outside they come in to find someone has eaten all the food! They are astonished and try to understand why this would happen. But Horace thinking on his feet runs to the kitchen and makes some sandwiches for his guests, and pulls out the birthday cake he had stashed in the kitchen. As the guests sit on the grass enjoying their picnic we see our first clue as the book ends. But the story is not yet over, because the real story lies behind the beautiful art work that spreads each page. Each page is packed with evidence of the thief. But as we go through the book we realize he was not alone. The mouse or shall we say rat, Kilroy, and his friends devoured the spread while the others played outside. Through out the book we can find clocks on each page, telling us the time, so we know exactly what time Kilroy snuck away for a snack. After he returns we can tell he is not so comfortable anymore, full and lagging behind the group, we all realize it was him.

My Reaction:
I really loved trying to dig out the clues in this book. I could sit for hours and watch all the animals and try to understand each piece of every picture. I love that there is a packet in the back that explains each of the clues throughout the book. One by one, I really wanted to leave it closed and keep searching on my own. I really did enjoy this book. The colors were beautiful and bright and drew the eye in all different directions. I couldn't help but love how each room even shines a little background on history. Going from room to room we see all kinds of historical structures, even down to the colors. I will surely read this book to my kids.

Potential Problems:
I think the one thing that really bothers me about reading this to kids is the fact that Kilroy never gets caught, be gets away with stealing. But I guess that's what makes it a mystery. Other than a possible issue with this, the book is wonderful to me.

I think everyone one should read this, old and young. It's just a fun book and there is lots of opportunity for interaction with the book and whoever may be reading it with you. It's fantastic for all ages!